Preparing Yourself to Receive

There’s a difference between saying you want something and being truly ready for the thing you want.

Many of us aren’t preparing ourselves for our deepest desires to manifest. But here’s the thing my loves, the Universe can’t easily support you on your desired path unless you’re consistently preparing your mind, body, and spirit to receive. 

Once you start living in a way that is in alignment with who and what you want to become, the Universe will start showing up for you in such magical ways. 

Someone who desires more money might find cash on the sidewalk. 

Someone who desires more time to cook a nourishing meal might have a meeting canceled. 

Someone who desires joining a yoga studio might win a raffle for a free month membership. 

But these magical synchronicities don’t happen by accident. 

If you want to receive the things you desire, you need to start getting your mind, body, and soul familiar with what it feels like to already have reached those goals. This teaches your body that your goals and desires are attainable and real. If you don’t prepare yourself to receive, your body has no way of knowing what those goals will feel like.

I want you to sit in your desires wayyyyy before they physically manifest. This requires meditating on your feelings to magnify your desires. Stick with me and I’ll explain what I mean and how you can try this for yourself. 

It’s your job to get crystal clear on what your life will look like and how you will feel after you achieve the things you want. 

Let’s Practice 

Think about something you really want.  It could be a new job, a better financial situation, a relationship, or something smaller like the examples I shared above. If you’re going to bring these desires to life, you need to get your body, mind, and soul familiar with what it feels like to already have the things. 

This is a practice you can try when tapping into anything you want. It’s a way of shedding your old self and becoming a newer, more radiant person as you get closer to your dream life. Once you’ve started working on attracting your highest self, the highest version of yourself can start coming to life (sometimes even with a little extra magic from the Universe). 

This works best when you’re in a quiet space where you can visualize, breathe deeply, and feel connected to your mind and body. Wear clothes you feel good in, find a comfy spot to sit, and have a journal nearby. Maybe you even want to play some soft music to help you focus.

Let’s use weight loss as an example of a desire you might visualize. My loves, please be sure you’re leading with self-love, compassion, and nourishment if this is a goal you hold for yourself.

Instead of just thinking “I want to lose weight,” there’s an opportunity to go deeper. This is where you can tap into your highest self and invite your body to get familiar with what it will feel like when you’re at your desired weight. 

Think about how it would physically feel to be your ideal weight. What jeans are you wearing? How do they feel on your body? What kind of dress did you just buy? How does it move against your body when you walk into the room? How do you feel when you look in the mirror? What energy are you feeling radiating from within? How do you feel when your partner looks at you?

When you allow your mind, body, and soul to get familiar with the feelings associated with your end goal, you’re teaching your body that it has already happened. And when you act, feel, and exist in a way that your goals have already been reached, you (and the Universe) start acting in accordance. 

You can do this with ANY desire you have in life. If you want a new job, envision what you feel like when you’re getting ready in the morning. How do you feel when you’re driving to work? How do you feel when you return home? How do you feel when you tell people about your career? How do you feel when you talk to your coworkers? 

Envisioning your desires in this way helps you not only attain those goals a lot faster but also encounter fewer roadblocks getting there. I hope you start to get comfortable imagining your dreams coming true and that you notice the Universe supporting you along the way.

Try to go through this meditation exercise every single day. You’ll feel shifts you never thought were possible.

Warmth and love,



Meditate With Me: Slow Down to Keep Going


Winter Wisdom: Listening to Your Body this Season