Easy Ingredient Swaps to Support Your Health

Apples and peanut butter, infused water, eggs and bacon.

Maintaining a healthy diet doesn't mean sacrificing flavor or satisfaction. And it also doesn’t mean you need to be a wizard in the kitchen! With a few simple ingredient swaps, you can transform your favorite dishes into nutritious options that support your well-being. 

Let's explore some smart ingredient substitutions that will elevate your meals and snacks to a whole new level of healthiness (and deliciousness!).

Vegetable & Canola Oil → Avocado, Coconut, or Olive Oil

Instead of using vegetable or canola oil, consider swapping them for healthier alternatives like avocado, coconut, or olive oil. These oils are rich in heart-healthy monounsaturated fats and can provide additional nutritional benefits. Each of these options is great for sautéing, baking, or making salad dressings, giving your meals a nutritious boost.

These oils are also far more flavorful than neutral-tasting vegetable oils. Avocado oil has a high smoke point and adds a creamy texture, coconut oil brings a delightful tropical flavor, and olive oil offers a delicate, fruity taste that enhances any dish. Play around with these flavors in your different recipes! 

Gatorade → Coconut Water

When it comes to hydration, ditch the sugary sports drinks and reach for coconut water instead. Coconut water is a natural and electrolyte-rich beverage that replenishes your body without the added sugars and artificial flavors found in Gatorade. It's a refreshing choice that helps restore hydration, making it perfect for post-workout recovery or simply as a healthier alternative to quench your thirst.

Interested in giving coconut water a try? Vita Coco is a tasty option that can be found at many major supermarkets.

Packaged Granola Bar → Apples and Peanut Butter

Swap out processed, packaged granola bars for a delicious snack combination of apples and peanut butter that’s oil and sugar free (just peanuts is best!). While granola bars may seem convenient, they often contain added sugars, unhealthy fats, and artificial ingredients. They might satisfy your craving now, but chances are you’ll be hungry again in an hour or two–and have extra cravings.

On the other hand, apples offer natural sweetness and fiber, while peanut butter provides healthy fats and protein. This simple swap not only satisfies your sweet tooth but also keeps you fuller for longer and nourishes your body with essential nutrients. As a bonus, buying apples and peanut butter rather than splurging on granola bars tends to be a more budget-friendly choice, too.

Juice and Soda → Fruit-Infused Water

Sugary beverages like juice and soda are full of empty calories that don’t give your body the nutrients it needs to thrive. Instead of reaching for soda, quench your thirst with refreshing fruit-infused water. Infusing water with slices of fresh fruits like citrus, berries, or cucumber adds a hint of flavor and natural sweetness without any added sugars. This swap not only keeps you hydrated but also provides the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants present in the fruit.

Breakfast Cereal → Protein-Packed Breakfasts

Ditch the processed breakfast cereals loaded with refined grains and sugars and opt for protein-packed dishes like eggs paired with a side of avocado and bacon. Eggs and bacon provide plenty of high-quality protein to start off the morning, which helps you stay fuller for longer and provides you with essential nutrients to fuel you throughout the day. For extra flavor, add veggies like red pepper or spinach to your eggs–it’s tasty! A side of avocado adds some heart-healthy fat to the meal and makes you feel even more satiated.

Regular Pasta → Protein-Packed Chickpea Pasta

If you're looking to increase the protein content of your meals, consider swapping regular pasta for chickpea pasta. Made from chickpea flour, this alternative is gluten-free and higher in protein and fiber compared to traditional wheat pasta. It offers a great texture and can be used in various pasta dishes. Chickpea pasta not only adds nutritional value to your meal but also keeps you satisfied and supports healthy digestion.

This chickpea penne pasta from Banza is a favorite–check it out!

How To Make The Shift

Making these ingredient swaps doesn’t have to happen all at once. It can feel too overwhelming to give up your habits, even if you’re replacing them with something equally tasty and more nutritious. Instead, try starting small and changing just one or two things in your diet, then slowly go from there. 

By gradually incorporating healthier alternatives into your meals and snacks, you can enjoy delicious and nourishing foods that contribute to your well-being! 


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